2nd Annual Conference
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS 2ND ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE THEME: Supporting Green Growth and Knowledge Economy through Research, Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development VENUE: MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY HOTEL AND CONFERENCE..
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- Posted in Admission News,Campus News,Noticeboard,Other News,Research News
V-Cs Courtesy call
Prof. Gill Westhorp pays courtesy call at Vice Chancellor’s Office and meets Prof. Lucy Irungu, the Vice chancellor of Machakos University. In her Company is Prof. Peter Mwita the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Research, Innovation and ..
- Posted by admin
- Posted in Admission News,Campus News,Noticeboard,Other News,Research News
EARIMA Conference
Prof. Lucy W. Irungu, Ph.D. the Vice-Chancellor of Machakos University was recently elected the President of East Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (EARIMA) during the 4th EARIMA Conference held in Arusha, Tanzania. EARIMA ..
3rd Graduation Celebration Ceremony
Machakos University hereby announces the 3rd Graduation Ceremony and installation of Vice-Chancellor to be held on Friday 30th November 2018 at 8.15 a.m. at the Graduation Square, Main Campus, Machakos. All candidates who have qualified ..
Patnership with Wuhan University of Technology
On October 8th 2018,the Vice Chancellor, Professor Lucy Irungu in her office (second from left), received Professor Bernard Rop from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (second from right) . The aim of the visit was to..
Advertisement For Vacant Positions
Machakos University was awarded a Charter on 7th October 2017 and is a successor of Machakos University College. It is located one (1) Km from Machakos Town along the main Machakos – Wote road. The Vision of the University is: A preferred Un..
MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY WINS AT KONZA SMART CITIES CHALLENGE Konza Technopolis Development Authority held a hackathon competition on Wednesday 5th, December, 2018 at Konza Technopolis City that brought a number of innovators from universities, col..
To all members of Machakos University SRBS, Kindly click on the link below to find more details of your upcoming A.G.M MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY SRBS A.G.M NOTICE
PROMOTION OF MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY STAFF IN GRADES 1-4 This is to invite Machakos University Staff in Grades 1-4 only, who qualify for promotion to apply for the same as per The Current Staff Recruitment & Promotions Criteria (Available in H..
Machakos University wishes to recruit Twenty (20) Unskilled Casuals to work in the University. The applicants must have; At least K.C.P. E. Must have a National Identification Card Those interested are requested to apply to: The Deputy V..
KNQA Public Lecture
Machakos University held a public lecture conducted by the C.E.O of the Kenya National Qualification Authority, Dr. James Mukhwana on The Role of Kenya National Qualification Framework on Improving Quality in the Education Sector.
An E-Voting Innovation by Machakos University Students
In pursuit of the big 4 agenda and what STEM can offer, a consortium of students from different departments of Engineering and Pure and Applied Sciences from Machakos University came together and innovated much awaited software to solve ..
Student Smart Cards
TO: ALL MKSU STUDENTS This is to inform you that some of the smart IDs are now ready for collection. The list has been uploaded on the website. Please confirm if your name is listed among the students whose smart ID cards are ready for collect..
Chairman of Council of Machakos University -Prof.Gideon Billy Hanjari and the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Lucy Irungu pays a courtesy call to the Deputy Governor, Eng. Francis Maliti- Machakos County Government.
FLAIR Fellowship Awarded to Dr. Elizabeth Ndunda
Dr. Elizabeth Ndunda, a Lecturer at Machakos University, wins the Future Leaders –African Independent Research (FLAIR) fellowship grant (UK£300,000). This is after a competitive selection of her proposal in a pool of more than 700 applicant..