Africa’s Largest University and TVET Entrepreneurship Extravaganza


Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 – Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

Venue: County-based University or TVET.           

Objective: To empower 1 million youth aged 10-34 through Mentorship and linking them to opportunities by December 31, 2026.

September 26th Stepping InOctober 3rd SRHR  October 10th EducationOctober 17th Environment  October 24th AEE  October 31st L&G  November 7th Olympiad
September 26th, 2023: I Choose Life – Africa Program: SRHR 
Get acquainted with the ShujaasIntroduction5 Mins3:00 pmIntroduce  
Opening Prayer and RemarksOpening Prayer and remarks5 Mins3:05 pmVolunteer to open with a prayer. CEO to give opening remarks.  
Sharing of M&E ToolsConduct Baseline Survey20 Min3:10 pmParticipants fill the Baseline tool  
Understanding Organizational Culture and Core Values  Group Formation (Zoo Game)20 Min3:30 pmParticipants taken through the ICL Core values scoring board and understand awarding criteria  
SEALs training Schedule unpackedUnpacking the SEAL training The Bridge Transformation Key Dates BCCG Delivery Thematic Events30 Mins3:50 pmParticipants taken through the training schedule  
The commitment to being sexual responsibleThe Egg Game10 mins4:20 pmSmall group game  
Refreshments and session evaluationRefreshments and session evaluationSession evaluation and Closure 4:30 pmDeparture 
October 3rd, 2023: I Choose Life – Africa Program: SRHR
Opening Prayer and RemarksIntroduction5 Mins3:00 pmIntroduce 
Get acquainted with the Shujaas.  Energizer: Musical button factory5 Mins3:05 pmVolunteer to open with a prayer. CEO to give opening remarks. 
Define campus culture and understand its relationship with sexualityCampus Culture   10 Min3:10 pmPlenary session 
Identify and appreciate cultural influence on individual sexuality.Ethos of the tradition and modern culture in relation to sexuality Sexual Ethos of the Past20 Mins3:20 pmParticipants taken through the training schedule 
To define Sexual ResponsibilityTesting the waters10 mins3:40 pmEnergizer 
An introduction to Sexual responsibility10 mins3:50 pmPlenary discussion
Campus Culture and Sexual Responsibility   Soda moja straw mingi15 mins4:05 pmVideo
The commitment to being sexually responsibleThe Egg Game10 mins4:15 pmSmall group game 
To explain the various kinds of STIs and HIV and identify their symptoms A game when night falls10 mins4:25 pmLarge group exercise 
An introduction to sexually transmitted infections15 mins4:40 pmSmall group activity and plenary interaction
To learn about various drugsIdentification of various drugs15 mins5:05 pmGroup Discussion 
To identify risk factors and protective factors associated with substance abuseRecognizing the risk15 mins5:20 pmGroup Discussion 
To define GBV and types of GBVUnderstanding gender and sex Understanding SGBV10 mins5:30 pmQuiz and group discussion 
October 10th, 2023: I Choose Life – Africa Program: Education
Opening Prayer and RemarksIntroduction5 Mins3:00 pmIntroduce 
Get acquainted with the ShujaasEnergizer:10 Mins3:05 pmIcebreaker/ Energizer 
Definition of life skillsUnderstanding life skills    15 Min3:15 pmPlenary session 
Increasing self-awareness and esteem Joharis’s window Self-esteem (Money illustration)20 Mins3:30 pmSmall group activity and plenary interaction 
To explain the meaning of decision-making and understand the process of rational decision-making  Meaning of decision-making Case study   15 mins3:50 pmSmall group activity and plenary interaction 
To demonstrate the meaning, cause effects and ways of resolving conflictsConflict resolution and negotiation skills  10 mins4:05 pmPlenary discussion 
To equip participants with knowledge on digital literacy and responsible social media useDigital literacy principals and concepts Social media safety and privacy  15 mins4:15 pmSmall group activity and plenary interaction 
Refreshments and session evaluationSession evaluation and Closure 4:30 pmDeparture 
October 24th, 2023: I Choose Life – Africa Program: AEE
Opening Prayer and RemarksIntroduction5 Mins3:00 pmIntroduce 
Get acquainted with the ShujaasEnergizer: Video on Employability by UNICEF on the YOMA platform10 Mins3:05 pmIcebreaker/ Energizer 
To help the participants understand the key skills necessary to help them get into and grow in their employment path Career development and CV writing skills     30 Min3:15 pmPlenary session 
Linkage to YOMA and YUNITOK platform to access necessary skills   YOMA YUNITOK onboarding  10 Mins3:45 pmSmall group activity 
Position learners for business growth and developmentBusiness Model Canvas30 mins3:55 pmSmall group activity and plenary interaction 
Business Model Canvas activity   10 Mins4:25 pm
Refreshments and session evaluationSession evaluation and Closure 4:35 pmDeparture 
October 31st, 2023: I Choose Life – Africa Program: Leadership and Governance
Opening Prayer and RemarksIntroduction5 Mins3:00 pmIntroduce 
Get acquainted with the ShujaasEnergizer: This will change you: Navy SEAL Admiral William H. McRaven10 Mins3:05 pmEnergizer: Video 
To equip the learners with knowledge that good governance lies in the kind of leaders we elect.  Key qualities of a good leader15 Min3:15 pmPlenary session 
Planning StageSnakes and plates exercise20 Mins3:30 pmSmall group activity and plenary interaction 
To create a movement of SEALs that resist corruptionDefinition of corruption Cost of corruption Raising a corruption-free generation  15 mins3:50 pmPlenary discussion 
Violent Extremism in KenyaPicture gallery and class discussion on PVE terminologies and effects   15 mins4:05 pmAudiovisual presentation Plenary session  
Drivers of violent extremismPush and pull factors15 mins4:20 pmSmall group interaction 
To increase youth understanding of the governance system and young people opportunities in KenyaBudget cycle Budget documents  
Opportunities for citizen participation  
20 mins4:35 pmSmall group activity and plenary interaction 
Refreshments and session evaluationSession evaluation and Closure 4:55 pmDeparture 
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