Machakos University received the first year TVET Freshers in the second week of September (13th – 15th September, 2021) for the 2021-2022 academic year.

During the virtual orientation held on Thursday 16th September, 2021, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Lucy W. Irungu, on behalf of the Machakos University fraternity welcomed the First Year TVET students to Machakos University. She congratulated them to have secured admissions to study in re-known institution in Kenya for engineering & technical courses.

The Vice-Chancellor informed the new students that Machakos University is a highly technical University with some of the best state of the art facilities. She stated that TVET courses are the bedrock for the Government’s Agenda Four dream and form the foundation for industrialization not only in Kenya, but also around the globe.

The freshmen and women were reminded that peace is key to any tangible progress, therefore they should appreciate the diversity amongst them and learn how to tolerate each other especially now that the country is entering an electioneering season. They were also reminded that they should adhere to the Ministry of Health Covid -19 Pandemic protocols during this period of Corona Virus. YOLO99
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