Machakos University Cultural Week: “Our Culture, Our Strength”

Machakos University Cultural Week

Machakos University recently concluded its first Culture Week, a vibrant celebration of diversity and talent held at the university amphitheater on Thursday 4th April, 2024. This co-curricular activity showcased the creativity and entertainment prowess of Machakos University students and various performers, offering a captivating blend of dance, fashion, music and cuisine.

The theme of this year’s event was: Our Culture, Our Strength

Objectives of the Culture Week:

  1. Promotion of Talent: The Culture Week aimed to highlight and foster talent diversity within the university community and beyond.
  2. Cultural Preservation: It sought to underscore the importance of preserving cultural heritage and respecting diverse cultural perspectives.
  3. Knowledge Sharing: Through cultural presentations and activities, the event aimed to facilitate the exchange of cultural skills and knowledge.

The event featured an array of cultural performances, providing a platform for different communities to share their traditions and showcase their unique artistic expressions. Cultural Presentations from Various Communities included: Luo, Kamba, Kalenjin, Teso Pokot, Kuria, Turkana, Coastal Group, Luhya and Maasai offering attendees a rich tapestry of cultural experiences. From traditional dances to culinary delights, attendees were treated to a sensory journey through Kenya’s rich culture. Among the highlights of the event were the stunning performances by the guest dancers, Kyeni kya Kiima Kimwe, who brought the essence of traditional Kamba culture to life through their spectacular dance routines.

Machakos University’s Culture Week was a resounding success, embodying the spirit of unity, diversity and talent appreciation. By embracing the theme “Our Culture, Our Strength,” the event served as a testament to the university’s commitment to fostering cultural awareness and appreciation among its students and the wider community.

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