Machakos University Staff Research Grants is an annual programme which provides academic staff with an opportunity to address various societal challenges facing the country through research. The 8th call for proposals, therefore, seeks to offer the University academic staff opportunities to respond to current and emerging socio-economic challenges in line with the government’s Bottom-up Economic Transformational Agenda (BeTA), namely:

(i) Agricultural Transformation

(ii) Affordable Housing

(iii) Universal Health Care

(iv) Digital Superhighway and Creative Economy

(v) Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

(vi) Information and Communication Technology (ICT), among others. Staff are requested to submit proposals formulated in line with the Theme and Subthemes as provided in this call.

The proposals should address issues within the University, Machakos County and its neighboring Counties. The received proposals shall be peer reviewed, and a panel of experts shall make funding decisions, thereafter.


The objectives of this call are to:

  1. Promote a positive research and innovation culture in the University.
  2. Build research and innovation capacity among the University academic staff.
  3. Promote collaborative research and innovation between and among various disciplines in the University.
  4. Support research and innovation in key priority areas in relation to the National and County Development Agenda and the University Strategic Plan.


  1. Agricultural Transformation and Food Security;
  2. Health, Hospitality, Sports and Tourism Management;
  3. Education and Social Sciences;
  4. Renewable Energy, Planning, Housing and Manufacturing;
  5. Blue Economy, Environment and Climate Change;
  6. Basic, Applied and Engineering Sciences;
  7. Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Development, and
  8. Information and Communication Technology

The project should be carried out within a period of one (1) year. The funding of the project will be released based on regular satisfactory progress reports and proper accounting. Applicants are required to submit a detailed workplan indicating a clear framework for monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

The Grant seeks to support up to a maximum of Kenya shillings seven hundred thousand (Kshs. 700,000). Note that the Grant does not support purchase of electronic equipment such as laptops, mobile phones, cameras, printers and related accessories. Besides, it cannot be used to support a research project in progress or a non-research related proposal such as income generating and production activities.

a) The applicant must be a full-time Machakos University academic staff.
b) The proposals must demonstrate clear strategies towards solving various societal problems.
c) The objectives of the proposals must be in line with national priorities as envisaged in the current National Development Agenda,  Vision 2030, the National Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy as well as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024).
d) The applicant(s) should have relevant qualifications and experience in the subject area of the proposed project.
e) Staff members who are Principal Investigators (PIs) in on-going Machakos University funded research projects are not eligible.
f) Applications must be received on or before the deadline.
g) Proposals MUST embrace a multi-disciplinary approach; a proposal submitted by only one applicant will not be considered.

h) A Tutorial Fellow who is yet to start PhD research work is NOT eligible as Principal Investigator.

Applicants should email a soft copy to director-research@mksu.ac.ke and copy to registrar-ril@mksu.ac.ke and submit a hard copy to the office of the Director, Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer on or before 28th March, 2025.  Below please find more information and guidelines for proposal writing.

Click Here to Download the 8th Call for Proposals Advert and the Guidelines for the Proposal Writing.

You may also visit the MksU website at www.mksu.ac.ke for more information and guidelines.

For any other information or inquiries please contact:

The Director, Research Innovation and Technology Transfer
E-mail: director-research@mksu.ac.ke/admin.director-ritt@mksu.ac.ke