2nd Call for Proposals


Theme: “Green growth for sustainable development’’

In her endeavour to realize her Mission: Provide scholarly education through Training, Research and Innovation for Industrial and socio-economic transformation of our communities, Machakos university allocates funds to internally support research initiatives in the university through annual research grants; a competitive programme managed by Machakos University’s Division of Research, Innovation and Linkages (RIL).

The objectives of the programme are: to promote a positive research culture in the university, build research capacity among the university staff, promote collaborative research between and within various disciplines in the university and support research in priority areas in relation to National Development Targets and the university strategic plan.

This Second call focuses on green growth with the aim of expanding economic opportunities for the world’s growing population.

The Call seeks to support research proposals with strong potency towards catalyzing investment and innovation to create new economic opportunities as well as expanding the existing ones.

Applicants need to demonstrate their ability to exploit economic potential of natural resources (clean air and water as well as a robust biodiversity that can sustain food production and human health) for sustainable development.

This way, Green Growth is conceptualized to have strategies that include industrial restructuring to maximize opportunities in key sectors (energy, agriculture, transport, tourism etc) and development of policy frameworks that support green growth.


  • Health care
  • Built environment and Infrastructure development
  • Industrialization: Technology, manufacturing, agro-processing, SMEs
  • Energy, Climate and Environmental Sciences
  • Mathematics, Statistics, Basic and Applied Sciences
  • Education, Language, Culture and Sustainable political environment
  • Leisure and Tourism
  • Agriculture, Food and nutrition security

ISO 9001:2015 Certified…………….……..……..Soaring Heights in Transforming Industry and Economy

The project should be carried out within a period of 2 years with financial release based on regular satisfactory progress reports and accounting. Applicants are required to submit a detailed workplan with clear monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework.

The Grant seeks to support up to a maximum of Kshs.700, 000 (Seven Hundred Thousand). The Grant does not support the purchase of electronic equipment such as laptops, Mobile Phones, cameras, printers and related accessories. The Grant cannot be used to support a research project in progress or a non-research related proposal such as income generating and production activities.

a) The applicant must be a full-time Machakos University staff
b) The proposals must demonstrate how they offer strategies to solve various societal problems.
c) The objectives of the proposals must be in line with national priorities such as envisaged in the Kenya Big Four            Agenda and Kenya vision 2030, as well as in the sustainable development goals and in the Science, Technology            and Innovation strategy for Africa (STISA 2024).
d) The applicant(s) should have relevant qualifications and experience in the area of the proposed project.
e) Staff members who are Principal/Lead Researchers in on-going Machakos University funded research projects            are not eligible
f) Applications must be received before/on the deadline
g) Proposals MUST embrace Multi-disciplinary and a proposal submitted by only one applicant will not be                         considered.

Applicants should email a soft copy to director-research@box5317.temp.domains and copied to registrar-ril@box5317.temp.domains and submit a hard copy to the office of the Director, Research, Innovation and Technology not later than 30th September, 2018.

Below please find more information and guidelines for proposal writing.

Click Here to Download the 2nd Call for Proposals Advert and the Guidelines for the Proposal Writing.

You may also visit MksU website www.mksu.ac.ke for more information and guidelines.

For any other information or inquiries please contact:
The Director, Research Innovation and Technology
E mail: director-research@box5317.temp.domains